Palatal Expansion

Does your smile feel restricted? Widen your smile with the palatal expansion treatment offered at Dr Chaumont’s clinic in Laval!

Palatal expansion, because your smile also needs space!

The use of a palatal expansion device is a simple yet effective solution to widen the upper jaw width for children or young adolescents. The treatment is carried out without experiencing pain and helps prevent any future problems with occlusions or overlapping teeth.

What is Palatal Expansion?

The installation of a palatal expansion device aims to widen the upper jaw to restore balance between the width of the upper and lower jaws. This device is also used to correct a cross-bite  (uni ou bilateral misalignment of the dental arches).

A very narrow palate causes the following problems:

  • A lack of space to accommodate the teeth, posing a risk for overlapping teeth

  • A lack of space to accommodate the tongue, which can lead to a lingual propulsion

Since the suture of the upper palate is flexible in children and young adolescents, it is important to start the palatal expansion procedure before the end of their peak growth spurt (usually occurring between 14 to 16 years of age). A dental appliance is fixed to the patient’s upper arch and is equipped with a micrometric screw which when activated daily for a certain period, allows the arch to be gradually enlarged without pain or discomfort.

The palatal expansion treatment can also used in combination with braces to improve teeth alignment.

Schedule an appointment with Dr Chaumont at

450 668-9422


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Scale up your smile through palatal expansion

Once the palatal expansion treatment is over, new bone is formed, resulting in an enlarged upper jaw. There are also the following benefits:

  • enlarged cheek bones

  • opening of the nasal passages resulting in improved breathing

  • better control of muscles while chewing

  • less overlapping and more space for teeth alignment

  • enhanced growth of the lower jaw.

How long does a palatal expansion treatment last?

In most cases, the palatal expansion treatment lasts between 6 and 7 months. This treatment requires a strong collaboration with the patient because the patient (or their parents) must ensure, for a certain period, the daily activation of a micrometric screw with the help of a key. The movement of the expander makes it possible to reach the desired upper jaw width. The palatal expansion device is then held in place for a few following months to allow time for new bone formation in the inner palatal suture.

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