Orthodontic Treatments for Adults

Orthodontist Dr Alain Chaumont: The best place to get braces for adults in Laval.

Orthodontic Treatments for Adults 

Get the smile you’ve always wanted! 

Whether it is to correct crowded, misaligned, or missing teeth or to improve your smile and enhance self-esteem, more and more adults are wearing braces. In fact, adults now represent more than a quarter of all orthodontic clients. 

Because everyone deserves to smile, regardless of age 

If your smile doesn’t come easily, come visit us! 

Innovation in dentistry has brought us to an exciting time with regards to braces. Being more discreet and more efficient, they now better fulfill needs of the adult clientele. Apart from metal braces, we also offer white colored or clear braces, as well as tooth colored ones for a more discreet look.  

Orthodontic treatment for adults can help solve aesthetic problems or malocclusions. Indeed, several adults come to us with the desire to reveal their true smile and to feel better in their skin. Additionally, undergoing orthodontic treatment in adulthood to restore teeth alignment can also have a positive impact on your overall oral health because crooked or crowded teeth are more difficult to clean and can lead to the accumulation of dental plaque, cavity and periodontal diseases such as gingivitis. 

Am I too old for orthodontic treatment? 

You are never too old to want to have a dental problem corrected. Although certain problems may be more difficult to rectify with age, an orthodontic consultation will give you an accurate diagnosis and help you understand the options available to you.  

Several factors can influence the type but also the result of a treatment, some of which are: age, anatomy, dentition, muscle structure and the cooperation of the patient. The duration and the costs of orthodontic treatments for adults are also factors that should not be overlooked in your decision-making. In any case, as orthodontists, we are here to advise and guide you to make the choice that best meets your expectations and needs. 

Schedule an appointment with Dr Chaumont at

450 668-9422


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Orthodontics : For a smile that will stand the test of time 

How Adult Orthodontic Treatments Work 

Since each patient has unique characteristics, such as dentition, teeth shape and size, muscle structure, jaws, etc., the nature and duration of the orthodontic treatment required varies from one adult to another. 

After your initial consultation with us and a discussion on your expectations, an orthodontic treatment plan is established. This may include wearing retainer, braces, or dental elastics. In certain cases, extracting one or more teeth or undergoing jaw surgery may be required. If necessary, the patient is then referred to an appropriate specialist (e.g - dentist, maxillofacial surgeon). 

Once the treatment has started, the orthodontist acts as a coordinator between the specialists, follows up with them and makes necessary adjustments at subsequent appointments to ensure the success of the overall orthodontic treatment.