
Looking for Invisalign type clear braces? Come learn more about them at orthodontist Dr. Chaumont’s clinic in Laval.


Invisalign treatment is a system that use transparent removable aligner trays that allow to rectify or realign teeth without dental braces.

What are invisalign braces?

Invisalign braces are made of thin transparent plastic moulds, similar to those used for teeth whitening, which are placed on the upper and lower teeth to gradually align them. A series of Invisalign trays are custom made for the patient and each set of trays are to be worn for between two to three weeks to gradually align teeth to their desired position. Since they are removable, Invisalign braces can be taken off for eating, drinking or brushing teeth.

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450 668-9422


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What are the benefits of Invisalign orthodontic treatment?

Invisalign treatment comes with several advantages, as long as the patient wears the aligners assiduously. It is indeed an almost invisible and discreet way to straighten teeth without traditional metal braces. Also, the removable aspect makes cleaning teeth easier.

Is the Invisalign treatment a good option for you?

The use of Invisalign aligners come with more limitations than traditional braces. In some cases, Invisalign may not be the most effective option to achieve the patient's desired results. Moreover, the results of the treatment depend entirely on the collaboration of the patient since the patient must wear the aligners for a certain required number of hours each day to achieve the expected results. If you are thinking of opting for Invisalign treatment, you should also take your capacity to be diligent throughout the process, or you may not realize the full benefits of the treatment.

The best way to know if Invisalign treatment would work for you is to visit our orthodontic clinic for an initial consultation. Make an appointment today with orthodontist Dr. Alain Chaumont for a dental exam and to ask him all your questions concerning Invisalign braces.

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